Snow White and
the Seven Dwarfs 1937
I noticed quite a few interesting things throughout the movie.
First I noticed that at the beginning of the movie you could not tell that she
was a princess since she was dressed in raggedy clothes that were torn. Plus
she was cleaning outside which you may not expect a princess to be doing. To me
this was not how a princess should or would dress or act. She appeared to be of
low income or in poverty based on how she looked or dressed. I know this is an
assumption but what do you think the children were thinking. They may be
thinking that poor people have to do the cleaning and housework.

Now when I researched the movie, I came across many sources
discussing what I noticed. But I was able to find a few more additional
interesting things. The first site (
was that from a feminist perspective. The site was showing how they felt that
the characters were portrayed. They said Snow White was “innocent, beautiful,
passive, domestic, nurturing, ideal feminine. She was rewarded with a man.” I
agree with this portion because I saw it as being the same as they did. As far
as what they saw the Queen to be was, “wicked, grotesque, selfish, narcissism,
power hungry, dominating, and monstrous.” At first I never really took many
notes about the Queen but I would also agree with these descriptions. She is
the evil witch with bad intentions to harm her own daughter for her own selfish
reasons. As for the dwarfs, they are characterized as, “childlike, clumsy,
unclean, and unlearned.” I do agree that they are seen as childlike and not as
clean or smart. They are being taken care of by Snow White. Grumpy even stated,
“All women are poison”. That was an interesting point made by the website. This
can be very misleading and stereotypical for children to be hearing.
Another site that I found was This site said
that, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs sends the strongest message about gender
roles. She cleans the whole house and takes on the motherly role. This image
was accepted in this time period.” I discussed this in my analysis portion but
the part that got my attention was the last sentence which said, “now little
girls continue to watch and assume her submissive role with a smile.” This was
well put and in my opinion true. The girls may not understand it at first but
later on they may.