Thursday, January 26, 2012

Who am I

*                               Hello my name is Brianna. Other than speaking English I have taken two years of ASL. I was born in San Jose, CA but moved shortly to Rocklin, CA and I have lived in this area for most of my life. I am Caucasian and have been raised in a middle-class American home. I would say it is a typical home but I do not think anything is typical. We were raised to respect our elders, be responsible, and give back to our community.
The absolute most important thing to me is my family. Without them and their love and support I wouldn’t be who I am today. When it comes to what is important for teachers to provide children, I believe that they need to provide a good role model for all children. They need to not only be a good role model while in the class but also outside the class. It is important to follow what they try to teach the children so that they know it is the right thing to do. If the children look up to this teacher, they learn to respect this person and realize that what this teacher is doing is what they should do as well.
I am a strong and independent woman. I define myself by how I feel about myself and by my personality traits. I have been over a few speed bumps in life but I have made it over them and have gained strength and experience from each one. I was born in raised in Northern California all my life and I love it. My parents have taught me most of what I know and I thank them for that. I have learned how to be successful and what is acceptable and what is not. I am not really sure what me and my ancestors share as in experiences other than learning from our past and experiences.
I do not have any children right now but I hope to in the near future. I live at home with my parents and my sister and brother. I am the oldest child in the house. We all have a great relationship with each other and I have been blessed with such a great, loving, and supportive family. They always have my back and offer me a shoulder to cry when I need it.
I do currently work with children, I am working in a before/after school program. I love being involved in children’s growth experience and being able to contribute to their learning process. I try to be the best role model possible for those children and I try to build a trusting relationship, which I think is important.
Getting more education about culture and diversity through this class, will help me better understand how to relate and teach about the topic. Once I learn about it, I can then discuss it with children when needed.
In my extra time I like to be outdoors most of all. I enjoy being on the lake, hiking around, fishing, camping, and riding my dirt bike. I also love my job and being able to work with children and contribute to there learning and development. It is a great feeling knowing that you are able to help them grow into who they will become when they are older. I also love listening to music, singing, and dancing along with it and I do not care who is watching! Country music is my favorite.


  1. Hello Brianna. I enjoyed reading about your story and I am very happy to hear you currently work with children. I am also working with children at a after school program and I believe we have that in common.

  2. Hi Brianna! Our stories sound a lot alike. I use to work for a before and after school program put on by the City of roseville. It was my favorite job, but I was transferred to a site I couldn't handle and was too young to know any better about how to handle it, so I left.

    It sounds like you have a very exciting and fulfilling life ahead of you!
